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Ron DeSantis Criticizes Florida Gators Football in Speech to California GOP

Ron DeSantis insults University of Florida's football team at California Republican Party event to rally presidential campaign support.

In a speech to the California Republican Party, Ron DeSantis once again took a jab at the University of Florida's football team, all in an effort to rally support on his presidential campaign trail. Speaking at the Fall Summit, DeSantis proclaimed UF as "the top ranked public university in America," a statement that would have been unthinkable 20 or 25 years ago. However, he couldn't resist making a playful remark about the football team's performance, joking that they needed to do better for the state to truly excel.

This isn't the first time DeSantis has poked fun at the Gators. During a trip to Georgia in August, he reminisced about how the Florida-Georgia game used to be an easier win for his home state. He playfully acknowledged that Georgians understood what he meant. Despite his lighthearted jabs, DeSantis acknowledged the success of UF and the improvements they have made in various policy areas. He admitted that college football hasn't necessarily been one of them, but expressed his determination to turn things around.

Throughout his speech, DeSantis maintained an energetic and jovial demeanor. He emphasized that he didn't need teleprompters or notes, choosing instead to speak off the cuff and have a good time with the audience. He introduced some new lines and jokes, including a reference to his ongoing feud with the Walt Disney Company. Being in close proximity to Disneyland, DeSantis humorously questioned whether he was even allowed to be there.

The Governor also shared his experience of Southern California traffic, recounting a two-hour drive from Hollywood to the event location. He sympathized with the locals who have to deal with the notorious bumper-to-bumper traffic on a daily basis. DeSantis didn't shy away from poking fun at former President Donald Trump either. He referenced Trump's claim of turning Florida red and sarcastically remarked that he wished Trump hadn't turned Georgia and Arizona blue, as it hasn't been beneficial for Florida.

Despite his playful banter and occasional jabs at Trump, DeSantis faces a challenging situation in the polls. He is currently behind in polling in the state, which could potentially prevent him or any other candidate from receiving delegates from Florida. However, DeSantis received cheers from the crowd throughout his speech, particularly when he discussed his commitment to using lethal force against suspected cartel members at the border.

Overall, DeSantis delivered an engaging and spirited speech, incorporating humor and personal anecdotes to connect with the audience. He showcased his ability to speak off the cuff and captivate the crowd without relying on scripted remarks. While his remarks may have been light-hearted, they also highlighted his determination to improve various aspects of Florida's policies, including college football.

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