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Bakersfield Community Unites and Strengthens Security After Day of Jihad

Former head of terrorist group Hamas designates Friday the 13th as a 'Day of Jihad', urging global participation in violence.

In Bakersfield, California, concerns have been raised about potential violence and chaos being unleashed into the streets on Friday the 13th. A former leader of the terrorist group Hamas has designated this day as a 'Day of Jihad', urging people not only in neighboring countries but worldwide to participate. In response, law enforcement in counties near Kern, such as Los Angeles and Fresno, have increased their presence to ensure public safety. The Chabad of Bakersfield, a local community organization, has also expressed concerns for their security. Esther Schlanger, a representative from the Chabad, emphasized that the fear is not limited to the U.S., but is felt globally. She mentioned that the Bakersfield Police Department and the city mayor have been in contact with them to provide extra security measures. The police have introduced themselves to community leaders and familiarized themselves with the area in case of an emergency. Schlanger stressed the importance of unity in times of strife and encouraged the community to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. The Kern County Sheriff's Office has stated that they are closely monitoring the situation and have been in communication with local, state, and federal law enforcement partners. They reassured the public that there is currently no information indicating any threats in the area. Schlanger reiterated the need for the community to understand that if violence were to occur, it would likely be planned, and urged individuals to report any concerns to the police.

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