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Two Swedish fans shot dead in Brussels before Belgium vs Sweden Euro 2024 qualifier

Belgium treats shooting as terrorism after alleged ISIS fighter claims responsibility for killing two Swedish soccer fans.

The recent shooting in Brussels, Belgium is being treated as an act of terrorism by the Belgian government. An alleged Islamic State fighter has claimed responsibility for the attack on social media, adding to the gravity of the situation.

The incident occurred near Sainctelette Square in Brussels, just after 7:00 p.m local time. The gunman opened fire with a Kalashnikov rifle, indiscriminately targeting innocent bystanders. Witnesses reported that the attacker shouted "Allahu akbar!" during the attack, further suggesting a terrorist motive.

Tragically, two people were killed in the shooting, and several others sustained injuries. The victims were identified as Swedish soccer fans who had traveled to Brussels to attend the Euro 2024 qualifier between Belgium and Sweden. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo confirmed this information on the social media platform X.

The shooter, wearing a fluorescent orange jacket and a white helmet, initially targeted the two deceased fans who were in a taxi, both wearing Swedish national team shirts. He then pursued several individuals seeking refuge at a building owned by the Flemish Housing Fund. Shockingly, he shot one of them again while they were already on the ground before making his escape on a motorcycle.

The self-proclaimed perpetrator of the attack remains at large. However, a video posted on social media by an individual named Slayem Slouma claims responsibility for the shootings. Interestingly, this person asserts that three Swedes were killed, contradicting the official count of two victims.

In response to the incident, the Belgian government has elevated the security alert level in Brussels to its highest level. The National Crisis Centre held discussions and decided to raise the threat level to level 4, while the rest of the country remains at level 3. This heightened security measure aims to ensure the safety of the population and prevent any further acts of violence.

The investigation into the shooting has been taken over by the federal prosecutor's office, emphasizing the seriousness with which authorities are treating this incident. The incident is being treated as an act of terrorism, and every effort is being made to apprehend the perpetrator and bring them to justice.

The Belgian people are undoubtedly shaken by this tragic event. Their resilience and determination to stand strong in the face of terrorism will be tested once again. The international community also stands in solidarity with Belgium, offering support and assistance during this challenging time.

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