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Troy Football Players Discuss Jon Sumrall Departure and First Impressions of Gerad Parker

New Troy football coach Gerad Parker makes solid first impression after Jon Sumrall's departure. Players excited for new coach.

The Troy football team has had a quick turnaround with the departure of coach Jon Sumrall and the introduction of new coach Gerad Parker. Despite the short amount of time players have had to get to know Parker, he has already made a strong impression on the team.

As the Trojans prepare for the Birmingham Bowl, players have expressed their thoughts on Parker's arrival. Parker was hired and introduced just days before the team left for bowl week festivities, but he has wasted no time in connecting with the players and setting the tone for his leadership.

Dell Pettus, a member of the team, noted that Parker's attitude and approach have been exactly what the players were looking for in a new head coach. While Sumrall's departure was unexpected, Parker has stepped into the role with confidence and clarity, making it clear that he wants to build on the foundation that Troy has already established.

Clayton Ollendieck also spoke highly of Parker's arrival, especially considering the emotional impact of losing their previous coach. He emphasized the excitement and optimism that Parker has brought to the team, despite the challenging circumstances.

Overall, the players have expressed respect and admiration for Parker's approach and are looking forward to working with him as they move forward. Despite the unexpected changes, the team is embracing the opportunity to grow and evolve under Parker's leadership.

It's clear that Parker's arrival has had a positive impact on the team, and the players are eager to see what the future holds under his guidance. As they prepare for the Birmingham Bowl, they are focused on coming together as a team and making the most of this new chapter in their football journey.

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