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Harvard president's tenure despite embarrassment

Harvard's first black president resigns after plagiarism scandal, blames racial animus. Conservative weapon against colleges, according to the Associated Press.

A recent tweet from the Associated Press highlighted the resignation of Claudine Gay, Harvard's president, and how conservatives are using plagiarism as a weapon against colleges. The tweet and subsequent coverage from various news outlets seem to place the blame on conservatives and racial animus, rather than addressing the allegations of plagiarism and refusal to condemn antisemitism. It's important to note that Gay's resignation was not due to her race, but rather the mounting allegations of plagiarism and her failure to address issues on campus. The board at Harvard did everything it could to protect Gay, but the accusations of plagiarism became too much to ignore. The situation at Harvard had become untenable, and Gay was forced to step down. The coverage of this issue raises questions about the media's portrayal of the situation and the need for accountability.

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