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New £310 AI cat flap stops pet bringing dead animals home

New AI-powered cat flap could revolutionize pet ownership by preventing cats from bringing in dead animals. Available in Europe this spring.

If you're a pet owner, you know the struggle of waking up to your cat bringing in a dead mouse or half-eaten bird in the middle of the night. It's a common problem that many pet owners face. However, a new cat flap powered by AI called Flappie could be a gamechanger for pet owners.

The Flappie is designed to automatically stop your pet from entering your home, with a 90% accuracy rate that is expected to improve as the AI gets to know your cat better. This is great news for pet owners who are tired of finding half-eaten animals in their homes.

In the UK, cats are responsible for killing up to 275 million birds, mice, and other animals every year. This can be a distressing experience for pet owners, but the Flappie aims to solve this problem by recording any attempted entry with a night vision camera, allowing you to see what your cat tried to bring in.

While the Flappie is not the cheapest pet gadget on the market, selling for £310, it could be well worth the investment for pet owners with prolific hunting cats. The device is set to be available for purchase in Europe this spring, and it was recently unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

The Flappie works by remaining locked until motion sensors detect a cat's presence, then scanning its microchip to ensure it is at the right house. An infrared camera installed above the opening scans the cat's face and uses AI to determine if it is carrying anything.

Oliver Widler, one of the creators of the Flappie, commented on the intelligence of cats, stating that test cats quickly learned to drop their prey. This innovative new technology offers a solution to a common problem faced by pet owners and has the potential to make a significant impact in the lives of both pets and their owners.

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