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Deandre Ayton ice capades latest embarrassment Portland rebuild

NBA trade market open for business, Portland Trail Blazers open to offers. Starting center misses game after slipping on ice.

The NBA trade market is currently open for business, and the Portland Trail Blazers are making it known that they are open to offers. The signs of rebuilding apathy have set in, as evidenced by Deandre Ayton missing a game due to icy conditions around his house. While some may argue it was an honest mistake, the team's apparent lack of concern for player development and performance suggests otherwise.

General Manager Joe Cronin seems content with the team's losses, as long as they result in more draft assets and control over the front office. The team's track record of trading players for less than their worth is concerning, and it's unclear when the Blazers last made a successful deal. While they do have some draft picks in their arsenal, it pales in comparison to what other franchises have achieved.

The team's current roster is not performing to their potential, and it's unclear what the game plan is. Top draft pick Scoot Henderson is not living up to expectations, and Shaedon Sharpe, one of the team's most valuable assets, is not getting the playing time he deserves. Head coach Chauncey Billups's inability to develop talent is evident, and it seems his relationship with Cronin is the only thing keeping him employed.

The team's current state of affairs has raised questions about the direction of the franchise, with some suggesting that the team's owner, Jody Allen, has been misled about what a reset should look like. The Blazers' recent 62-point loss and Ayton's absence from a game due to icy conditions are just a few examples of the abnormality surrounding the team.

In conclusion, the Portland Trail Blazers are in a state of disarray, with questionable decision-making and a lack of concern for player development. The team's apparent focus on acquiring draft assets at the expense of current player performance is cause for concern, and it remains to be seen how the franchise will navigate its current challenges.

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