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Palestinian graduates storm off during Jerry Seinfeld commencement speech

Duke students walk out of graduation as Jerry Seinfeld gives advice. Comedian encourages humor and effort in life's challenges.

The commencement ceremony at Duke University took an unexpected turn when a group of college graduates walked out in protest of comedian Jerry Seinfeld's Jewish background. Despite the controversy, Seinfeld continued to deliver his speech, touching on serious topics such as the recent events in Israel.

Although Seinfeld did not directly address the protests, his comments seemed to subtly acknowledge the objections of the students. He emphasized the importance of maintaining a sense of humor, even in the face of discomfort and political correctness. Seinfeld urged the graduates to embrace effort and resilience in all aspects of life, from relationships to career pursuits.

In his trademark style, Seinfeld offered unconventional advice on falling in love with everyday objects and finding joy in the mundane. He reminded the graduates that life is a mix of ups and downs, and that embracing the challenges and discomforts can lead to ultimate success.

Despite the controversy surrounding his appearance, Seinfeld's speech resonated with many of the attendees, who found his words both humorous and insightful. The incident at Duke University serves as a reminder of the importance of open-mindedness and the ability to appreciate diverse perspectives, even in the face of disagreement.

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