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The Strangers: Chapter 1 scene haunted Madelaine Petsch filming horror trilogy

"The Strangers: Chapter 1 reimagines cult classic horror with Madelaine Petsch leading trilogy, emphasizing dread over cheap jump scares."

The 2008 horror movie "The Strangers" has been reimagined in a trilogy of films, with Riverdale alum Madelaine Petsch leading the way in "The Strangers: Chapter 1." Petsch admitted feeling intimidated by the cult classic IP, but was determined to do it justice. Working with director Renny Harlin and producer Courtney Solomon, Petsch became heavily involved in the production, ensuring the films stayed true to the original's realistic and creepy feel.

The story follows Maya and Ryan, a couple stranded in a small town where they encounter three masked strangers. Despite the trilogy being shot out of order, Petsch approached it as one big movie broken into three chapters, all taking place in five days. Harlin's goal is to eventually combine the three films into one long movie for audiences to experience the terror in a continuous flow.

Harlin focused on creating a constant feeling of dread rather than relying on jump scares, aiming to keep the films grounded in reality. He placed a strong emphasis on sound design, wanting to capture the spirit of the house and the eerie atmosphere of the forest. The masked Strangers themselves added to the terror, with Petsch feeling genuinely scared of them on set.

Overall, "The Strangers: Chapter 1" aims to deliver a tense and distressing experience that goes beyond traditional horror tropes. With a dedicated cast and crew, the film promises to be a chilling addition to the horror genre.

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