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Sunny Hostin attempts to defend anti-Semitic Left as Bill Maher rebuffs - Conservative Angle

Bill Maher spars with "The View" co-host over use of "woke" and Left's descent into anti-Semitism, highlighting issues and differences.

During a recent episode of "The View," comedian and HBO host Bill Maher engaged in a heated discussion with co-host Sunny Hostin about the term "woke" and the rise of anti-Semitism on the Left. Maher, who was promoting his new book, expressed concerns about the far Left's influence on moderates and their tendency to drive people towards supporting former President Donald Trump.

Hostin took issue with Maher's use of the term "woke," arguing that it had been co-opted and weaponized by the Right. She emphasized the historical significance of the term within the black community, highlighting its original meaning of being aware of social injustices. Maher defended his use of the term, pointing out that words evolve over time and that being alert to injustice is not a bad thing.

The conversation then shifted towards the issue of anti-Semitism on the Left, with Maher criticizing the lack of moral clarity in distinguishing between good and bad actors. He pointed to recent campus protests in support of Hamas as evidence of this confusion, highlighting the oppressive nature of the terrorist organization's rule in Gaza.

Hostin raised concerns about civilian casualties in the conflict, prompting Maher to defend Israel's right to self-defense. He condemned Hamas for openly advocating for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people, emphasizing the need to stop their attacks in order to prevent further violence.

Overall, Maher's appearance on "The View" sparked a thought-provoking discussion about the complexities of political discourse, the evolution of language, and the moral implications of supporting extremist ideologies. The exchange between Maher and Hostin underscored the importance of engaging in nuanced conversations about sensitive topics in order to promote understanding and empathy.

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