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Tom Hanks son Chet Hanks declares white boy summer

Chet Hanks declares 'white boy summer' on Instagram, explains rap beef to Tom Hanks, sparking viral frenzy and controversy.

Chet Hanks recently took to Instagram to once again proclaim that it will be a 'white boy summer,' a term he originally coined in 2021. The 33-year-old social media personality, son of the famous actor Tom Hanks, shared a post with his 547,000 followers in which he made this statement. This declaration comes on the heels of Chet going viral for explaining the rap beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar to his father in a recent social media post.

When Chet first introduced the term 'white boy summer,' he faced significant online mockery, with one user humorously noting that we are already thousands of years into a white boy summer. In his latest Instagram post, Chet sported a crew neck white T-shirt, rectangular sunglasses with transparent frames and lenses, a cuban link chain, and diamond stud earrings as he sat inside a Ferrari with black leather seats. The caption read, 'I have consulted with the heavens, felt a westward breeze, and walked outside of a strip club and saw my shadow... this will be a #WBS #iHaveSpoken.'

Chet clarified that his 'white boy summer' movement is not intended to be racially divisive, emphasizing that it's about good vibes rather than any negative connotations. He defended his choice of attire, specifically the ribbed white tank top, stating that banning such clothing is unnecessary, and prejudice has no place in 'white boy summer.'

In a recent humorous exchange with his father, Tom Hanks, Chet explained the rap beef between Kendrick Lamar and Drake, providing a detailed breakdown of the feud that captivated the internet. With colorful analogies and metaphors, Chet described the back-and-forth between the two rappers, illustrating the intensity of the feud with entertaining anecdotes.

Overall, Chet Hanks' declaration of a 'white boy summer' and his subsequent explanations and interactions on social media have sparked both amusement and curiosity among his followers, showcasing his unique personality and engaging storytelling style.

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