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Jaden Rashada lawsuit claims University of Florida football program reneged on $13.85 NIL deal

College quarterback sues Florida over failed $13.85m NIL deal. Alleges coach, booster reneged on promise. Lawsuit claims fraud, negligence, interference.

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A high-profile college football quarterback, Jaden Rashada, has filed a lawsuit against individuals linked to his unsuccessful recruitment by the University of Florida. The lawsuit alleges that the coach, staff, and a prominent booster at the university caused him to miss out on a $13.85 million deal for the use of his name, image, and likeness (NIL).

This legal action is groundbreaking as it marks the first time a college athlete has sued a coach or booster over an NIL deal since such agreements became legal in 2021. Mr. Rashada's lawsuit, filed in a Florida federal court, sheds light on the alleged abuses prevalent in big-time college football.

The lawsuit outlines a complex series of negotiations involving Mr. Rashada, who initially committed to the University of Miami before being courted by a wealthy Florida businessman and booster, Hugh Hathcock. The deal reportedly involved a substantial NIL offer that ultimately fell through due to complications in the negotiation process.

Despite assurances from those involved in the recruitment effort, the promised NIL deal did not materialize, resulting in Mr. Rashada missing out on a significant financial opportunity. The lawsuit accuses the parties of fraud, negligence, and tortious interference, seeking damages of nearly $10 million.

The recruitment saga took a turn when Mr. Rashada decided to sign with Florida, only to later be released from his letter of intent and ultimately choosing to play for the University of Georgia, a rival of the University of Florida. The NCAA's investigation into the recruitment process has been paused, following a preliminary injunction related to NIL rule violations.

The evolving landscape of NIL deals in college sports has brought to light the complexities and challenges faced by student-athletes navigating these opportunities. As the legal battle unfolds, it raises important questions about the role of coaches, boosters, and institutions in the recruitment process and the need for greater transparency and accountability in NIL negotiations.

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