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First Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Reward Giveaway

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 confirmed with new reward available before release. Unlock a free Calling Card on Twitter now!

The highly anticipated Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is set to release later this year, and the excitement is already building. Developer Activision Blizzard recently confirmed the next installment in the popular franchise, much to the delight of fans everywhere. But the news doesn't stop there - players can already start earning rewards for the game before it even launches.

One of the first rewards available is a new Calling Card featuring the Black Ops 6 logo. While it may not be a major in-game item, it's a fun way to get involved in the hype surrounding the upcoming release. To claim your Calling Card, simply head to the Call of Duty Twitter account, find the designated tweet, and reply with the hashtag BlackOps6 and your Activision ID. It's a quick and easy process that allows you to show off your excitement for the game.

As of now, the release date for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has not been announced, and the platforms it will be available on remain unknown. However, fans can look forward to a major stream showcasing the game following Microsoft's summer press conference on June 9th. This event is expected to reveal more details about the game, including release information, so mark your calendars if you want to stay up to date on all things Black Ops 6.

In addition to Black Ops 6, fans can also anticipate updates on other highly anticipated games like State of Decay 3, Gears of War 6, Perfect Dark, and more during the upcoming showcase. While not every game under the Xbox umbrella will be featured, the event is sure to be an exciting one for gamers everywhere. Make sure to tune in on June 9th at 1pm ET to catch all the latest announcements live.

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