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Scrutiny of Justice Samuel Alito increases after 'Appeal to Heaven' flag flown outside vacation home

Supreme Court Justice Alito's impartiality questioned after controversial flags seen outside his homes, raising concerns about bias in future cases.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's impartiality is under intense scrutiny following the appearance of controversial flags outside his homes. The "Appeal to Heaven" flag, associated with supporters of former President Donald Trump and a push for a more Christian-based government, was spotted at Alito's New Jersey beach residence. Additionally, an inverted American flag was seen at his Virginia home in January 2021, drawing criticism from conservative lawmakers like Sen. Lindsey Graham.

The presence of these flags has sparked concerns about Justice Alito's ability to remain impartial, especially in cases related to the January 6, 2021 events at the U.S. Capitol. One such case before the Supreme Court involves determining if Trump is immune from prosecution for his alleged role in attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

The New York Times reported on the "Appeal to Heaven" flag sightings, with photos and witness accounts from neighbors and passersby corroborating the claims. The flags, flown at different times and locations, have raised questions about Alito's judgment and potential biases in high-profile cases. This controversy adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing debate surrounding judicial impartiality and the appearance of political influence within the nation's highest court.

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