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MLB umpire Angel Hernandez retirement announcement

Umpire Angel Hernandez retires from MLB after financial settlement negotiations, citing desire to spend more time with family.

Umpire Angel Hernandez has announced his retirement from Major League Baseball after negotiations with MLB over the past two weeks, as reported by Bob Nightengale of USA Today. In a statement released on Monday, Hernandez reflected on his career that began in 1991, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to live out his childhood dream of umpiring in the major leagues. He emphasized the importance of enjoying one's profession and highlighted the camaraderie and friendships he has formed with colleagues and locker room attendants throughout the years.

Hernandez cited a desire to spend more time with his family as the reason for his retirement. He acknowledged the positive changes in baseball, particularly in the expansion and promotion of minorities, and expressed pride in his role as an active participant in advancing diversity as a Major League umpire. Hernandez's last MLB game was on May 9, ending a career marked by controversies surrounding his umpiring abilities, notably during the 2018 American League Division Series when several of his calls were overturned by video review.

In 2017, Hernandez filed a lawsuit against MLB for racial discrimination, alleging that he had been unfairly treated due to not being assigned to a World Series crew since 2005. The lawsuit was ultimately dismissed in U.S. District Court in 2021. As Hernandez retires from the game, he leaves behind a legacy that reflects both the challenges and triumphs of his umpiring career in Major League Baseball.

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