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Pool: Memorial Day Remembrance

Memorial Day is not just for veterans, but to remember fallen soldiers who sacrificed for our country. Honor and remember them.

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance, not just a day to thank veterans for their service. It began after the Civil War as Decoration Day, where people would decorate the graves of fallen soldiers. The holiday honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, not just those who served.

The exact number of war deaths is unknown, but recent estimates suggest around 750,000 men died. Black families also participated in Decoration Day ceremonies, as 40,000 black soldiers died in the Civil War, many from disease. They fought for freedom, making their sacrifice significant.

The Grand Army of the Republic proposed May 30th as a national day of remembrance, which eventually became Memorial Day. Congress made it a national holiday in 1971, recognizing the fallen in all wars. It's a day to honor those who died, whether from enemy fire, accidents, or disease.

The military is a dangerous place, and even those who die from accidents or friendly fire deserve recognition. Service members, whether volunteers or draftees, who gave their lives should be honored. War takes a toll on bodies, minds, and spirits, leading to high suicide rates among active service members and veterans.

Our volunteer military has been stretched thin, with repeated tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan taking a toll on service members. Despite this, the military remains highly respected, with approval ratings among the highest of all institutions. However, attitudes towards the military vary among different age groups and polls.

While some wars in our history may not have been fought for freedom, those who served and died still deserve respect. Whether the cause was just or not, those who sacrificed their lives should be remembered. So, as we gather with loved ones on Memorial Day, let's take a moment to honor the fallen before celebrating the start of summer. Happy Memorial Day, everyone.

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