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Hallmark Channel Statement Mamie Laverock Stars Rally Support

Hallmark's Mamie Laverock from "When Calls The Heart" faces life-threatening injuries. Co-stars rally support, donate, and encourage donations. #PrayForMamie

Loretta Walsh, Mamie Laverock, and Johannah Newmarch are beloved actresses on the Hallmark Channel series "When Calls The Heart." Recently, Mamie Laverock was placed on life support after a tragic incident that left her with life-threatening injuries. The news has devastated the Hallmark community, with many stars and fans coming together to support Laverock and her family.

Laverock, known for her role as Rosaleen Sullivan on "When Calls The Heart," has been in the hospital since mid-May following a medical emergency. Her co-stars, including Johannah Newmarch, have been vocal in their support for her. Newmarch, who plays Laverock's TV mom on the show, shared the heartbreaking news on social media and encouraged fans to donate to the family's GoFundMe page.

The Hallmark Channel also made a donation to the fundraiser and many stars, such as Scott Wolf and Ashley Williams, showed their support by liking the post. The WCTH Instagram account shared the fundraiser link in its Stories, and fans have been generous in exceeding the fundraising goal multiple times.

The outpouring of love and support from the Hallmark community has been overwhelming. Erin Krakow, who plays the lead on WCTH, Andrea Brooks, and Loretta Walsh have all shared the fundraiser on social media, urging others to donate and show their support for Laverock and her family during this difficult time.

Mitchell Kummen, who worked with Laverock on WCTH and "Wedding of Dreams," has asked for prayers and love for his friend. The entire WCTH family is coming together to support Mamie Laverock and her family, showing that in times of tragedy, the power of love and community can make a difference.

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