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Moana 2: Excitement for Disney Animated Movie, 5 Concerns

Moana 2 trailer drops, but concerns arise about lack of originality, rushed production, and change in music talent. Will it deliver?

I grew up as a Disney kid during the studio's Renaissance Era, enjoying classics like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King. However, my favorite Disney movie that I didn't grow up with is 2016's Moana. Despite feeling that these films are geared towards younger audiences, Moana managed to touch my inner child and become a comfort movie I revisit often.

Excitement surrounded the announcement of Moana 2, set to release this fall. The trailer gave a glimpse of Moana, Maui, and her animal sidekicks embarking on another epic voyage. While the trailer did spark excitement, I couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. It seemed like the sequel was following the same beats as the original without offering anything new to anticipate.

My reservations about Moana 2 stem from recent disappointments from Walt Disney Animation. While Encanto and Frozen II were successful, they didn't leave a lasting impact like Moana did. The decision to swap a Disney+ series for a sequel hints at a profit-driven motive rather than a commitment to storytelling.

The absence of Lin-Manuel Miranda as the lyricist for Moana 2 also raised concerns. The change in the songwriting team and the familiar sound of the music in the trailer left me questioning the creativity behind the sequel. Additionally, the announcement of a live-action remake of Moana in 2026 feels premature and unnecessary, diminishing the legacy of the original film.

Despite my apprehensions, I will still be at the theater on November 27, ready to give Moana 2 a chance. While I may have doubts about the sequel, I am open to being pleasantly surprised and proven wrong. Let's hope that Disney delivers a worthy story that does justice to the beloved characters and world of Moana.

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