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Chad Daybell sentenced to death for killing wife and girlfriend's children

Jury sentences Chad Daybell to death for gruesome murders, ending a case that started with missing children. Emotional statements from family.

A jury in Idaho has unanimously decided that Chad Daybell, a convicted killer, deserves the death penalty for the gruesome murders of his wife and his girlfriend's two youngest children. This brings an end to a dark case that began in 2019 with the search for two missing children.

Chad Daybell, 55, sat calmly at the defense table, showing no emotion as he learned of his fate. The jury's decision came after finding him guilty and deliberating for just over a day. The victims included Tammy Daybell, 16-year-old Tylee Ryan, and 7-year-old Joshua "JJ" Vallow.

The mother of the children, Lori Vallow Daybell, was convicted last year in connection with the murders and is awaiting trial in Arizona for the shooting death of her fourth husband. The case began in 2019 when the children were reported missing, leading to a multistate search that ended with their remains being found buried on Chad Daybell's property.

During the trial, prosecutors painted Chad Daybell as a self-published author with doomsday beliefs who used spiritual justifications for the killings. The sentencing was met with relief and closure by the victims' families, who expressed gratitude for the justice served.

Despite the defense's attempts to shift blame to Vallow Daybell's deceased brother, the jury found Chad Daybell responsible for the murders. Emotional statements from family members highlighted the impact of the loss, with JJ's grandmother describing his empathy and compassion and Tylee's role as a loving sister.

In order to impose the death penalty, the jury had to unanimously agree on aggravating factors that warranted capital punishment. These factors included an utter disregard for human life and the heinous nature of the murders. Idaho law allows for execution by lethal injection or firing squad, though the latter has never been used in the state.

The sentencing brings some closure to a tragic case that has spanned several years, with the victims' families expressing gratitude for the justice served. The outcome serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and the impact of senseless violence on loved ones left behind.

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