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Billings commemorates 100 years of Indian Citizen Act with parade

Join Western Native Voice in downtown Billings on Sunday to celebrate the centennial of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.

Western Native Voice is extending an invitation to all individuals to join them in downtown Billings this Sunday for a grand celebration in honor of the centennial of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.

Back on June 2, 1924, a significant milestone was achieved when Congress passed the Indian Citizenship Act, granting all Native Americans born in the United States the right to citizenship and the right to vote.

To commemorate this historic event, a lively parade will be held this Sunday, June 2, following a traditional route through Downtown Billings starting at 11 am. The parade promises to be a colorful spectacle, featuring vibrant floats, cultural performances, and much more for everyone to enjoy.

Ronnie Jo Horse of Western Native Voice expressed, "We're just hoping to commemorate that. And also trying to get people civically engaged." Following the parade, a showcase will be held at the Doubletree, where the public is invited to learn more about Native American culture through dance performances and storytelling.

For more details about the festivities, visit, and don't forget to RSVP to their Facebook event page for a reminder.

In addition to celebrating this momentous occasion, take a look at Scientology in Brussels, explore the beauty of Beartooth Highway, and witness a curious grizzly cub checking out a BBQ grill in Carbon County.

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