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Hunter Biden trial: Everything you need to know

Hunter Biden faces court charges for allegedly lying about drug use while buying a gun. Plea deal fell apart. President Biden silent.

Hunter Biden finds himself back in a federal courthouse in Delaware, facing charges related to allegedly purchasing a gun while dishonest about his drug use in 2018. Despite pleading not guilty to the three charges, this marks another court appearance for President Joe Biden's son.

The case has garnered significant attention, especially since it involves the son of the President and comes on the heels of former President Donald Trump's legal troubles. Trump was recently found guilty of falsifying business documents to influence the 2016 presidential election through hush-money payments.

Initially, Hunter Biden had a potential plea deal with prosecutors to avoid trial by pleading guilty to separate tax charges and entering into a diversion agreement for the gun offenses. However, complications arose during a hearing, leading to the appointment of Justice Department special counsel David Weiss and new gun-related charges.

The investigation into Biden's taxes and foreign business dealings, particularly his role in the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, has been ongoing for five years. Trump's impeachment stemmed from his efforts to pressure Ukraine into investigating the Bidens and Hunter's connections to Burisma.

Prosecutors honed in on Biden's failure to pay income taxes on time and his alleged dishonesty about substance abuse on a firearm application. Biden has been candid about his struggles with addiction, detailing his experiences in his memoir, "Beautiful Things."

In the lead-up to the 2020 election, a controversial story emerged involving a hard drive from a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden. The story, pushed by far-right Republicans, alleged international corruption involving Hunter and his father. However, skepticism surrounded the story due to the unknown origins of the laptop and Rudy Giuliani's involvement.

The recent indictment against Biden came after his plea deal fell apart, prompting a second prosecution on tax charges scheduled for trial in September in California. President Joe Biden has refrained from commenting on the case, expressing love and support for his son while maintaining a hands-off approach.

As the trial unfolds, the outcome remains uncertain. If convicted in the gun case, Biden could face a range of penalties, including probation or prison time. On the other hand, an acquittal would shift the focus to his upcoming tax trial. Hunter Biden's family, including his wife and sister, are standing by him as the legal proceedings continue.

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