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Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene grills Fauci in explosive COVID hearing: WATCH viral video

Republicans grill Dr. Fauci over COVID origins and alleged ties. Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses him of crimes against humanity, sparking controversy.

On June 3, Republicans united to question Dr. Anthony Fauci, seeking to uncover his alleged controversial connections to the COVID-19 pandemic and explore the origins of the virus that has impacted the globe. Fauci, the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, made a public appearance at a House subcommittee hearing, his first since leaving government service in December 2022.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for her direct approach, did not hold back in her interrogation of Dr. Fauci. She challenged him on social distancing mandates, dismissing his claims as lacking scientific basis and irrelevant. Displaying a photo of Fauci allegedly not following his own mask guidelines at a baseball game in July 2020, Greene's heated confrontation sparked controversy among subcommittee members.

Chairman Brad Wenstrup intervened, urging Greene to address Fauci with his proper title and to refrain from confrontational tactics. Despite criticism from Democratic lawmakers and warnings from Wenstrup, Greene persisted in her accusations. She accused Fauci of crimes against humanity and called for his imprisonment, citing a report revealing NIH scientists earning millions in royalties from drug companies.

Prior to the hearing, Greene referred to Fauci as "Dr. Frankenstein" on social media, questioning his actions and calling for accountability. She maintained her stance online, insisting that Fauci deserved to be prosecuted and imprisoned for his actions. The intense exchange between Greene and Fauci highlighted the ongoing debate surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of public health officials in managing the crisis.

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