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Far-right politics News & Breaking Stories

Europe election drama Macron bombshell
  • 10th Jun 2024

Europe election drama Macron bombshell

President Macron stuns France by dissolving parliament after far-right gains in European elections, while center-right parties tighten their grip across Europe.

New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson
  • 8th Mar 2024

New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson

Former deputy whip Mr Johnson won 220 votes after House Republicans backed him, becoming Speaker after Emmer dropped out. Viral news.

Vivek Ramaswamy GOP Race: Asian News UK
  • 11th Jan 2024

Vivek Ramaswamy GOP Race: Asian News UK

"Indian American entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy's presidential campaign is failing, with staff looking for jobs in anticipation of his exit."

Calls to empower Patrick McHenry as Republicans again fail to select Speaker
  • 18th Oct 2023

Calls to empower Patrick McHenry as Republicans again fail to select Speaker

Growing opposition to Rep. Jim Jordan's bid for Speaker of the House has sparked calls to empower Rep. Patrick McHenry with new powers to get the House operational again. McHenry, who currently oversees the chamber as Speaker Pro Tempore, would be faced with challenges such as government spending fights and ongoing cryptocurrency efforts. The idea has gained support from prominent conservative figures, including three former GOP House speakers, and Democrats have also expressed support for expanding McHenry's authorities. However, the proposal faces challenges from Jordan and his allies, and the extent and duration of McHenry's powers are still up for debate.

Jim Jordan gains support as vote nears for U.S. House speaker, but outcome still in doubt
  • 17th Oct 2023

Jim Jordan gains support as vote nears for U.S. House speaker, but outcome still in doubt

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan is confident he will secure the necessary votes to be elected speaker of the House, despite facing opposition from some members of his own party. Jordan, a polarizing figure in American politics, will need the backing of nearly all 221 GOP lawmakers in order to hold the highest office in Congress. Multiple votes may be held to elect a speaker, as happened in January when Kevin McCarthy won after 15 ballots. Jordan and his allies are pressing House GOP members to vote for him, arguing that the chamber needs a speaker to begin moving legislation again.

Republicans Nominate Steve Scalise for House Speaker but Struggle to Quickly Unite and Elect Him
  • 12th Oct 2023

Republicans Nominate Steve Scalise for House Speaker but Struggle to Quickly Unite and Elect Him

House Republicans have nominated Rep. Steve Scalise to be the next House speaker, but deep divisions within the party have delayed the election process. Scalise narrowly beat Rep. Jim Jordan in a private ballot, but it remains uncertain whether lawmakers who supported Jordan will back Scalise in a full House vote. The GOP majority is divided, and Democrats are expected to oppose the Republican nominee.

A Federal Government Shutdown: What To Know
  • 21st Sep 2023

A Federal Government Shutdown: What To Know

The possibility of a government shutdown is looming large, after Republican leadership scrapped a procedural vote on a stopgap funding bill to keep the government running through October. Intraparty feuding between moderates and the hard-right lies at the heart of the GOP's inability to reach a compromise and highlights the challenge before House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

What news can we find under Far-right politics News Section?

Do you ever wonder what's shaking up the world of far-right politics? Take a seat, grab your cup of joe and let me share some insights that'll sound like something straight out of a political thriller. Let's dive into the vast ocean of news content associated with this controversial domain.

Far-right politics , is it as scary as myths suggest or just misunderstood? Answering such questions can feel like threading an endless labyrinth! Yet, exploring various types of narrative threads brings us closer to understanding this intricate tapestry woven by socio-political ideologies.

In essence, we often find discussions about nationalism and xenophobia. Red-hot debates on immigration policies frequently dominate headlines. Remember how Donald Trump’s “build that wall” slogan echoed across continents? Or Marine Le Pen's communal rhetoric in France against Muslim immigrants inflaming tensions?

Beyond these, expect to discover conversations around anti-globalization movements. You're likely familiar with Brexit - Britain waving goodbye to Europe right? Well then think about Italy’s Five Star Movement and get ready for another round.

Gripping narratives testifying to extreme conservatism also form quintessential parts. Evidently akin were Silvio Berlusconi's Ministries in Italy or Jair Bolsonaro’s administration in Brazil promoting hardcore traditional values while trampling minority rights within their footsteps.

A pinch (or handful) of conspiracy theories color the narrative too – be prepared for stories more tangled than Sherlock Holmes’ labyrinthine mysteries!

Remember when QAnon claimed Tom Hanks was running child trafficking rings from his house? So doesn't it seem interesting delving through an array lensed spectrum glimpsing into all things far-right? It reminds me why Uncle Ben told Peter Parker: "With great power comes great responsibility". Because each time we step inside buzz-worthy topics such as these; grasping both sides helps steer our judgement towards embraced neutrality rather than ignorant bias. Hence one thing is certain- today there may not exist any white off-hand answer but exploring varied perspectives helps break free from boxed judgments tomorrow!

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