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Alonzo Mourning prostate cancer-free Stage 3 diagnosis surgery

NBA legend Alonzo Mourning speaks out after prostate cancer surgery, urges men to get checked early for silent killers.

Hall of Fame center Alonzo Mourning recently shared his journey after undergoing surgery to remove his prostate due to a Stage 3 cancer diagnosis. In an interview with ESPN, the seven-time All-Star revealed that he is now cancer-free following the March procedure. Additional testing showed that the cancer had not spread beyond his prostate capsule.

At 54 years old, Mourning emphasized the importance of prostate screening, especially for men aged 45 and older who are at risk. He stressed the significance of regular PSA blood tests, highlighting the fact that many men may have cancer without experiencing any symptoms.

Reflecting on his own experience, Mourning expressed concern about the number of men who are unaware of their prostate cancer status. He shared that there are millions of men living with the disease in the U.S., with many unaware of their condition until it's too late.

Mourning, known for his successful NBA career with teams like the Heat and the Hornets, also opened up about his family history of prostate cancer. Despite facing health challenges in the past, including a kidney transplant, he has remained resilient and committed to advocating for men's health.

As a member of the Heat's front office, Mourning has taken on the role of director of player programs and development. He emphasized the importance of regular check-ups, urging men to prioritize their health and not shy away from discussing health issues.

In closing, Mourning emphasized the importance of being proactive about health, particularly when it comes to silent killers like prostate and colon cancer. By sharing his story, he hopes to inspire men to take charge of their well-being and prioritize regular screenings to catch potential health issues early on.

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