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WHO confirms first human case of H5N2 avian influenza in Mexico - ExBulletin

First human case of H5N2 avian influenza in Mexico confirmed. WHO emphasizes global surveillance, as virus not yet transmitted between humans.

The recent case of a man in Mexico being diagnosed with the H5N2 avian influenza subtype has raised concerns as it marks the first time this specific subtype has been confirmed to infect humans. The man had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals before falling ill, highlighting the evolving nature of influenza viruses.

The World Health Organization (WHO) stresses the importance of global surveillance as influenza viruses continue to evolve. The risk to the general public is currently considered low, but the case serves as a reminder of the need for public health preparedness and surveillance.

The man had been bedridden for three weeks before developing acute symptoms, including fever, shortness of breath, diarrhea, and malaise. He sought medical attention but unfortunately passed away the same day. While other subtypes of H5 avian influenza have infected humans in the past, the virus has not shown the ability to be persistently transmitted between humans.

Avian influenza poses a threat to international poultry supplies and can infect humans through direct contact with infected animals or contaminated environments. Properly cooked meat is not known to transmit the virus to humans. In the United States, cases of avian influenza have been detected in domestic ruminants, with concerns about the spread of the virus across state lines.

Federal agencies in the U.S. have faced criticism for delays in tracking and controlling the spread of the virus, leading to suspensions of orders in nine states. Basic hygiene practices, such as frequent hand-washing and avoiding contact with livestock, are recommended for individuals in areas where avian influenza is present.

Overall, the case of the man in Mexico highlights the importance of continued surveillance and preparedness for emerging infectious diseases, as well as the need for global cooperation in monitoring and responding to potential outbreaks.

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