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O'Shea warns Ireland team as Ronaldo set to start for Portugal

Ronaldo set to face Ireland in potential final home game; O'Shea praises his reinvention as a striker. Young talent to debut.

John O'Shea has issued a warning to the Ireland team ahead of their match against Portugal, highlighting the challenge of facing record-chaser Ronaldo. Ronaldo, who was rested in previous games, is expected to start against Ireland in what could potentially be his last international match on home soil. O'Shea, who played alongside Ronaldo at Manchester United, praised the superstar's ability to reinvent himself as a striker after starting out as a winger.

Reflecting on Ronaldo's impressive career and continued success, O'Shea emphasized the importance of preparation and dedication to maintaining peak performance levels. Despite the challenge Ronaldo poses, O'Shea expressed confidence in the Irish team's ability to contain him and learn from the experience.

In addition to discussing Ronaldo, O'Shea touched on the upcoming debut of Tom Cannon for Ireland and the competitive environment within the squad. He highlighted the importance of players striving to earn their place in the team, emphasizing the need for continuous improvement and dedication to the game.

O'Shea also addressed the midfield position within the Irish squad, acknowledging the need for development and growth in that area. He specifically mentioned Bosun Lawal, who has shown promise as a midfielder and is set to return to Celtic after a successful loan spell at Fleetwood Town. O'Shea emphasized the importance of Lawal's development and potential impact on the team as a versatile player.

Overall, O'Shea's insights provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities facing the Irish national team, highlighting the dedication and talent required to succeed at the international level. With a focus on preparation, competition, and continuous improvement, O'Shea's perspective offers valuable insights for both players and fans alike.

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