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Expert: Trooper Proctor testimony extraordinarily damaging for prosecution Karen Read trial

Text messages by Trooper Proctor about Karen Read will damage the prosecution in her murder trial, according to legal expert.

The controversial text messages sent by Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor regarding Karen Read have been deemed as detrimental to the prosecution's case in the ongoing murder trial of the Mansfield woman. Proctor, who was the lead investigator in the Read murder case, faced tough questioning this week after his personal messages about the victim's boyfriend were revealed in court.

During the trial, defense attorney Alan Jackson grilled Proctor about the content of the messages, including derogatory remarks about Read and references to her accent. Proctor apologized for his unprofessional comments and insisted that they did not impact the investigation.

Legal expert Peter Elikann highlighted the potential impact of Proctor's testimony on the jury, noting that doubts about the lead investigator's credibility could raise questions about the entire investigation. Elikann suggested that the defense is capitalizing on Proctor's testimony as a significant blow to the prosecution's case.

As the trial progresses, the jury faces the decision of whether to convict or acquit Read of second-degree murder charges. The prosecution alleges that Read intentionally killed O'Keefe by running him over, while the defense aims to prove that O'Keefe was murdered by someone inside the residence where he was found.

Judge Beverly Cannone anticipates that the trial will conclude by the end of the month, leaving the final verdict in the hands of the jury. The outcome remains uncertain, with Elikann emphasizing that anything could happen at this point in the trial.

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