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Macron forms alliance against France far right, as Republicans ditch party chief

Macron urges alliance against far-right, Republicans ditch chief. Snap election called after RN's EU win. Battle for power intensifies.

French President Emmanuel Macron is calling for unity against the far-right National Rally party led by Marine Le Pen. He has urged rival parties to join his electoral alliance, warning of the dangers of far-right policies that could harm workers and retirees. Macron's decision to call a snap parliamentary election has caused political chaos, with the conservative Republicans party ditching their leader for seeking an alliance with the far-right.

In a campaign-style speech, Macron defended his decision to hold the snap vote and called on all political leaders who oppose extremist ideologies to come together in a coalition to govern. He emphasized the need to block the far-right from gaining power and creating a new project for the country.

The upcoming elections on June 30 and July 7 will be crucial in determining the future direction of France's political landscape. The RN is expected to win a significant percentage of the votes, posing a challenge to Macron's ruling alliance. The battle between the far-right and left will decide the outcome of the legislative election, with implications for the country's domestic agenda, economic policy, security, immigration, and finances.

Macron's camp has made RN's economic policies a focal point of attack, warning of potential economic crises if the far-right gains power. Industry and finance ministers have called on top companies to speak out against the RN, citing similar efforts in other European countries. The pressure on French bonds has increased, raising concerns about the country's financial stability.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, Macron remains determined to prevent the extreme right from gaining power in 2027. His decision to call the snap election has been met with mixed reactions within his own camp, with questions raised about his role in the campaign. As the political landscape evolves, the future of France's leadership and governance hangs in the balance.

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