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Lebanon maintains friendly relations with Cyprus amid Hezbollah threats

Hezbollah threatens to attack Cyprus if it allows Israel to use its territories to attack Lebanon, sparking tensions and concerns.

Hezbollah, a militant group, issued a threat to attack the Mediterranean island of Cyprus if it allows Israel to use its territories to attack Lebanon. The Lebanese government officials are working to maintain friendly relations with Cyprus despite this threat. Foreign Minister Abdallah Bouhabib emphasized the positive role Cyprus plays in supporting stability in the Middle East.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Cyprus not to allow Israel's military to use its airports on the island to bomb Lebanon in the event of a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah. The tension between Israel and Hezbollah has escalated, with daily exchanges of fire along the Lebanon-Israel border resulting in numerous casualties on both sides.

Cyprus and Lebanon have a long history of close relations, with many Lebanese finding refuge on the island during Lebanon's civil war and economic crisis. In recent years, Cyprus has strengthened its ties with Israel, hosting joint military exercises. Nasrallah claimed that Israel is conducting manoeuvres in Cyprus similar to those in Lebanon, using Cypriot airports for potential military operations against Lebanon.

The Cypriot government denied any involvement in military operations against Lebanon, emphasizing that such suggestions are groundless. Some Lebanese politicians criticized Nasrallah's comments, warning that they could harm relations with Cyprus and the European Union. The European Union reiterated its support for Cyprus, stating that any threat against Cyprus is a threat against all member nations.

Last year, Cyprus disrupted an alleged Iranian plot targeting Israeli businessmen, highlighting the complex geopolitical dynamics in the region. Despite the threats and tensions, efforts are being made to maintain diplomatic relations and prevent further escalation of conflict in the region.

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