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Ryne Sandberg statue dedication: A day to cherish for Chicago Cubs Hall of Famer Paul Sullivan

Ryne Sandberg's grandkids unveil his statue at Wrigley Field, honoring his defense, Gold Gloves, and iconic '80s style. Emotional ceremony.

On a sunny Sunday afternoon in Chicago, Ryne Sandberg's 11 grandchildren gathered around to push a button that unveiled a stunning statue of the legendary Chicago Cubs Hall of Fame second baseman. The statue captured Sandberg in a familiar pose - with flip-down sunglasses flipped up, right fist clenched, slightly crouched, and intensely staring ahead, ready for the next pitch.

This iconic statue now stands proudly alongside those of other Cubs legends like Ernie Banks, Billy Williams, Ron Santo, and Fergie Jenkins. It marks the culmination of a remarkable journey that began with Sandberg's struggles at the start of his career, followed by a breakout season in 1984 that earned him the MVP award, induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame, and a successful managerial stint.

For Sandberg, defense was paramount. He wanted to be remembered for his prowess with the glove rather than his batting skills. The statue captures his dedication to defense, with Sandberg explaining that he always approached each game ready for every pitch, emphasizing the importance of bringing his glove every single day.

Reflecting on his playing days in the '80s and '90s, Sandberg pointed out the details on the statue that hold significance for him. From the vintage flip-down sunglasses that were a staple during day games at Wrigley Field to the gold patch on the glove symbolizing his multiple Gold Glove awards, every element of the statue tells a story of a bygone era in baseball.

The dedication ceremony for the statue was an emotional moment for Sandberg, surrounded by family, friends, former teammates, and the current Cubs team. The outpouring of support and admiration culminated in a standing ovation as Sandberg threw out the first pitch of the game against the New York Mets.

In the end, the statue of Ryne Sandberg stands as a tribute to a baseball icon whose legacy transcends the game itself. It serves as a reminder of his unwavering commitment to excellence, his love for the game, and the enduring impact he has had on the Chicago Cubs and their fans.

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