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Lessons learned and industry resilience from CDK cyberattack, David Kain

Cyberattack on CDK Global sparks urgency for auto dealerships to enhance cybersecurity measures. David Kain advises on crisis management strategies.

The automotive industry is reeling from the recent cyberattack on CDK Global, and industry expert David Kain is here to shed light on the situation. With decades of experience in the dealership business, Kain's insights are invaluable in navigating the aftermath of this unprecedented event.

Kain stresses the importance of beefing up cybersecurity measures in dealerships, citing the alarming statistic that over 50% of dealerships have fallen victim to cyber attacks. He emphasizes the need for diversifying security strategies and not relying solely on one provider to mitigate risks effectively, especially with vulnerabilities in centralized systems like DMS and CRM.

In the wake of the CDK Global attack, Kain urges dealerships to have robust contingency plans in place. He suggests conducting regular "fire drills" to prepare for potential cyber incidents, ensuring that teams are well-equipped to maintain operations even in the absence of digital systems. This proactive approach can help minimize disruption and keep business running smoothly during an attack.

Effective communication is key during a crisis, according to Kain. Dealership leaders must ensure clear and consistent messaging to both staff and customers, assuring them of the dealership's commitment to data security and service continuity. This unified approach helps build and maintain customer trust, which is crucial for long-term success in the industry. Kain compares this to the response to major recalls, where transparent communication is essential in managing customer concerns and maintaining confidence in the dealership.

The recent cyberattack on CDK Global has highlighted the need for improved cybersecurity measures and the importance of creating redundancies to prevent total business disruption. As dealerships nationwide grapple with the fallout of this attack, Kain's advice is timely and essential for weathering these turbulent times in the automotive industry.

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