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Reality Star Julie Chrisley Resentenced Bank Fraud Case

Chrisley couple's bank fraud scheme sentencing recalculated by appeals court. Julie's sentence vacated due to improper calculation. Case sent back for resentencing.

The recent ruling by a three-judge panel on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has brought new developments in the case of Julie Chrisley, who was convicted of conspiracy to defraud banks alongside her husband, Todd. The panel found that the trial judge had incorrectly calculated Julie's sentence by holding her accountable for the entire bank fraud scheme. This specific issue has been described as "narrow" by the appeals court, leading to the case being sent back to the lower courts for Julie's sentencing to be redone.

The Chrisleys, before gaining fame as reality stars, were convicted of defrauding banks of over $30 million in 2022. Prosecutors alleged that the couple used falsified documents to secure fraudulent loans, then took out additional loans to pay off the initial ones. In addition to bank fraud, the Chrisleys were also convicted of tax evasion, with allegations that they defaulted on more than $20 million in debt following Todd's bankruptcy in 2012.

After their convictions, Todd was sentenced to 12 years in prison, Julie to seven, and their accountant, Peter Tarantino, received a three-year sentence for his involvement in the scheme. The couple was also ordered to pay $17.8 million in restitution.

Despite attempts to appeal the case, arguing various points such as false testimony from an IRS officer and lack of evidence for the charges, the appeals court upheld the Chrisleys' convictions. However, they did find that there was insufficient evidence to tie Julie to the bank fraud scheme as early as 2006, leading to the decision to vacate her sentence for reevaluation by the district court.

Attorney Alex Little, representing the Chrisleys, expressed a mix of emotions following the ruling. While pleased that Julie's sentence was deemed improper, they were disappointed that Todd's appeal was rejected. Little remains hopeful for positive developments in the future for the family.

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