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South Korea Yoon US spy chief discuss North Korea Russia ties report

US spy chief meets South Korean President amid rising tensions on Korean peninsula and Russia-North Korea military ties. No public discussions planned.

US spy chief Avril Haines is set to visit South Korea and meet with President Yoon Suk Yeol on Friday in the midst of escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula. This comes following a recent agreement between Moscow and Pyongyang to strengthen their military cooperation, as reported by the Joongang Ilbo daily.

The meeting between Haines and Yoon will focus on the growing relationship between Russia and North Korea, as well as addressing Pyongyang's provocative actions. The discussions will be kept private, according to an unnamed national security official.

While Yoon's office has not confirmed the report, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has declined to comment on the matter. Meanwhile, North Korea announced a successful missile test that can deploy multiple warheads, further heightening concerns about the country's military capabilities.

The recent mutual defense pact signed by Russian President Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has raised alarms in Seoul and Washington. There are allegations that Pyongyang has been supplying arms to Russia for its conflict in Ukraine, although both countries deny these claims.

In response to the military pact, South Korea is considering supplying arms directly to Ukraine, a shift in its previous stance. South Korea has become a significant arms exporter, with ambitions to become one of the world's top suppliers of weapons.

Amidst these developments, Russia is planning to resume direct passenger trains to North Korea in July. Additionally, North Korea has sent 300 balloons filled with trash overnight, causing concern in Seoul. The situation on the Korean peninsula remains tense, with ongoing geopolitical complexities at play.

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