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2024 NBA Draft: DJ Burns, Armando Bacot, prominent undrafted free agents, deals

Former college stars, undrafted in the NBA draft, find opportunities with teams in the NBA Summer League and two-way contracts.

The journey to an NBA career as an undrafted player is often challenging, but not impossible. Just take the example of Fred VanVleet, a former college star who went undrafted but is now a key player for the Rockets. VanVleet's success story serves as inspiration for many aspiring basketball players who were overlooked during the draft.

For those who don't hear their name called on draft night, the path to an NBA career usually involves spending time in the G League and seizing any opportunities that come their way. While the road may be tough, there are success stories of undrafted players making it big in the league.

Following the conclusion of the 2024 NBA Draft, reports emerged of several undrafted free agents signing deals with teams. These players, many of whom were standout college stars, will now have the chance to prove themselves in the NBA Summer League.

Among the notable undrafted players who secured deals with NBA teams are Alex Ducas from Saint Mary's, Branden Carlson from Utah, and Daniss Jenkins from St. John's, among others. These players will now have the opportunity to showcase their skills and earn a spot on an NBA roster.

Additionally, there are players like Boo Buie from Northwestern, Quincy Olivari from Xavier, and Tyrese Samuels from Florida who will be participating in the summer league with hopes of catching the eye of NBA scouts.

While the path to an NBA career as an undrafted player may be challenging, these players are determined to make the most of their opportunities and prove that they belong in the league. With hard work, perseverance, and a bit of luck, they may just follow in the footsteps of players like Fred VanVleet and carve out successful NBA careers.

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