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2024 NBA Draft Round 2 Steals: Pacers select Johnny Furphy, Clippers draft Cam Christie

52 second-round picks from last year played in the NBA, showing quality players can be found. The steals of the 2024 draft.

Every year, the NBA Draft sees quality players and potential stars fall into the second round. In the previous season, 52 players drafted in the second round saw action in an NBA game, proving that there are hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

The steals of the 2024 NBA Draft's second round are worth highlighting. One standout is a promising talent from Kansas who possesses NBA size, athleticism, and a solid 3-point shot. Despite his potential, he surprisingly slipped to the second round, making him a steal for the Pacers and adding depth to their roster.

Another steal is a young player with a strong shooting game and room for growth. Despite his age and areas for improvement, his sharpshooting abilities make him a valuable asset for the Clippers. His rapid improvement and potential make him a great pick in the second round.

A high-energy big man off the bench is always a valuable addition to any team. The addition of Adem Bona to the Philadelphia roster brings explosive athleticism and strong defensive skills, making him a steal for the team. While he may not contribute much in scoring initially, his impact in a role player position is undeniable.

As teams prepare for free agency and roster adjustments, finding young talent that can contribute immediately without breaking the bank is crucial. Tyler Kolek, a first-round talent who fell to the second round, fits this bill perfectly. With his shooting prowess, playmaking abilities, and high basketball IQ, he is a smart pick for the Knicks as they aim to solidify their position as one of the top teams in the league.

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