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Project 2025 Heritage Foundation plan embrace bigger government Trump second term

Reagan's optimism inspired a voter, but today's GOP has taken a dark turn. A new policy document reveals extreme proposals.

In 1980, I voted for Jimmy Carter and was shocked when Ronald Reagan won the presidency. However, Reagan's optimism, anti-communism stance, and belief in free-market economics won me over. Former Congressman Jack Kemp, a key figure in Reagan's tax cuts, also influenced me with his humanitarian case for a market agenda.

The contrast between the hopeful, policy-focused conservatism of Reagan and Kemp's era and the dark, divisive rhetoric of today's GOP is stark. The Heritage Foundation, once a beacon of Reagan's revolution, now supports the current GOP's populist ideas, which differ greatly from those of the 1980s. Their recent document, Project 2025, outlines a transition policy roadmap for a potential Trump return to the White House.

Liberals like U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman criticize Project 2025 as extremist and fascist, while conservatives see it as a mix of traditional and MAGA-oriented policies. The document emphasizes the need for the president to use executive power aggressively to return power to the American people. However, critics warn against the dangers of concentrating power in the hands of the president.

The document also calls for government intervention against tech companies and the outlawing of pornography. While some ideas may resonate with certain individuals, others see them as unconstitutional and authoritarian. The focus on curbing "woke-ness" rather than improving education for all raises concerns about the priorities of the current conservative movement.

In a time of change, the principles of promoting liberty by limiting government power remain crucial. While the landscape of conservatism may have shifted, the legacy of Reagan and Kemp serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding these values. It's disheartening to see how far the conservative movement has strayed from its roots, but the call to revive the nation through a commitment to liberty and limited government power still rings true.

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