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Taraji P. Henson shines at BET Awards with Project 2025

Conservative plan Project 2025 to dismantle government if Trump reelected discussed at BET Awards, raising concerns about civil rights protections.

Project 2025, a controversial plan backed by conservative groups to dismantle the government in the event of a Donald Trump re-election, took center stage at the Black Entertainment Television Awards. This draconian plan aims to strip away civil rights protections, limit access to contraception and abortion, and establish an authoritarian Christian nationalist regime, purging those deemed disloyal to Trump from positions of power. Despite its alarming implications, many remain unaware of its existence.

Host Taraji P. Henson brought attention to Project 2025 during the awards show, urging viewers to educate themselves on its implications. She highlighted the proposal for mandatory national service, raising concerns about the reinstatement of the draft, and emphasized the importance of Supreme Court appointments in protecting civil rights. A public service announcement featuring Henson and Vice President Kamala Harris addressed the threats posed by the plan to democratic principles such as bodily autonomy and voting rights.

The use of platforms like the BET Awards to raise awareness about Project 2025 is crucial in bridging the information gap for voters. Henson's advocacy against Trump and his MAGA movement stands in stark contrast to celebrities who support them. The recent Supreme Court ruling granting presidents immunity from prosecution for certain actions underscores the urgent need to prevent Trump's re-election and the implementation of Project 2025, which could lead to an unchecked imperial presidency and prolonged authoritarian rule.

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