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Karine Jean-Pierre book excerpt working doomed candidates resurfaces

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reflects on working for President Biden, contrasting it with past experiences with doomed candidates.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, recently reflected on her past experiences working for failing political candidates in comparison to her current role under President Biden. A viral excerpt from her 2019 book titled "What it's like working for a doomed presidential candidate" resurfaced this week, sparking discussions about her thoughts on the matter. In the book, Jean-Pierre discussed her time working for former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards and former Rep. Anthony Weiner, both of whom faced scandals that led to the downfall of their careers.

In the excerpt, Jean-Pierre highlighted the challenges and disillusionment of working on a failing campaign, likening it to a deflating balloon. She emphasized the importance of believing in the mission of a politician rather than the individual themselves, cautioning against putting too much faith in flawed candidates. Despite the setbacks she witnessed in her previous roles, Jean-Pierre expressed optimism about her current position working for President Biden, whom she praised as the best President in modern history.

As Biden faces criticism and scrutiny over his recent debate performance and fitness for office, Jean-Pierre defended him, acknowledging that he had a "bad night" but asserting his competence in the role of president. She reflected on her past regrets of not working on Obama's campaign from the start and highlighted the importance of staying focused on the mission of creating positive change in society.

Overall, Jean-Pierre's journey from working on failing campaigns to serving as the White House press secretary under President Biden showcases the complexities and challenges of political life. Her experiences provide valuable insights into the inner workings of political campaigns and the importance of remaining dedicated to a greater mission despite the flaws of individual politicians.

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