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House Republicans Clash with AG Merrick Garland

Attorney General Merrick Garland defended the Department of Justice's work in cases involving Hunter Biden and Donald Trump.

In a contentious hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Merrick Garland defended the Department of Justice (DOJ) against accusations of favoritism towards President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden. House Republicans, led by Chairman Jim Jordan, accused the DOJ of "weaponizing" its work to benefit the Biden family and target former President Donald Trump. Garland, however, maintained that the DOJ's role is to independently investigate and prosecute criminal cases, regardless of political influence. He emphasized that he is not the president's lawyer or Congress' prosecutor, but rather works for the American people.

The Republicans focused their questioning on allegations that the DOJ interfered in the investigation into Hunter Biden and that the prosecutor in charge did not have the necessary authority to bring charges. Garland responded that he intentionally kept himself at a distance from the investigation to uphold his promise not to interfere. He also addressed concerns about U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who was appointed by Trump and continued to oversee the Hunter Biden probe under Garland's leadership. Garland granted Weiss special counsel status, granting him broad authority to conduct the investigation independently.

Garland's appearance before the committee came shortly after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy initiated an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, specifically targeting the DOJ's handling of Hunter Biden's case. The White House dismissed the impeachment inquiry as baseless and urged Republicans to focus on policy matters instead. Hunter Biden's legal team has also taken a proactive stance against GOP critics, filing a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service over whistleblower claims related to the investigation.

While Republicans criticized the DOJ's handling of the Hunter Biden case, Democrats sought to shift the focus to other criminal justice issues, such as domestic terrorism, hate crimes, and gun violence. Rep. Jerry Nadler criticized Republicans for perpetuating "long discredited conspiracy theories" about Hunter Biden and his alleged involvement with a laptop. He accused Republicans of attempting to divide the country and undermine the government.

Amidst the political clashes, Rep. Ken Buck, a former DOJ prosecutor, came to Garland's defense, acknowledging the challenging position Garland found himself in inheriting an investigation into the president's son. Buck argued that Garland would have faced criticism regardless of his actions, as his decisions would have been seen as either obstructing or favoring the investigation.

Garland's testimony shed light on the ongoing tensions between the DOJ and House Republicans, with both sides accusing each other of political bias and interference. As the investigations into Hunter Biden and Donald Trump continue, the DOJ faces the challenge of maintaining its independence and upholding the rule of law amidst a highly polarized political climate.

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