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Pete Davidson's Harrowing Few Days as a Single Person Are Finally Over

AOC criticizes FOX for not covering Lauren Boebert's 'Sexually Lewd' theater 'Show,' highlighting inconsistency in their coverage.

In a recent article, it is mentioned that AOC does not expect FOX to cover Lauren Boebert's 'Sexually Lewd' theater 'Show', but she does believe that they should be consistent in how they cover things. This raises the question of whether she is right or not. Looking back to 2012, it is revealed that Rosie O'Donnell had a heart attack that was similar to a "widow-maker," which almost took the life of the author's father. It is interesting to note that he did not realize the severity of the situation and even drove himself to the hospital, spending a significant amount of time searching for a parking spot. This serves as a reminder that heart attacks do not always present themselves in the way they are portrayed in movies and television.

In other news, it is revealed that Busy Phillips has a podcast, although the author admits to forgetting this fact. Similarly, they also forgot that Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik have a child, who is now three years old. The author expresses their joy for the child, while also realizing that they themselves have cake to enjoy. Moving on, it is mentioned that Erewhon, a popular store, is only located in the LA area. The author expresses their disbelief at the high price of an $18 smoothie, regardless of how beautiful it may be. However, they provide a solution by stating that the same smoothie can be made at home for a much cheaper price.

The article takes a turn towards the topic of climate change and the potential destruction of the oceans. Despite this, the author acknowledges the beauty of bioluminescence and the mesmerizing sight of dolphins swimming through the waves. Shifting gears, the article discusses the negative impact of online word games on the author's life, and possibly on the lives of others as well. This leads to a surprising revelation about Justin Timberlake's affectation, which turns out not to be a strange quirk but rather a genuine expression.

The article then takes a nostalgic turn, reminiscing about the styles of the 1986 Emmy Awards. The author humorously reflects on the hairstyles of the time, particularly the popularity of crunchy hair and giant bangs. In a different vein, the article delves into the influence of the food industry on people's eating habits, revealing that they pay "influencer" dietitians to shape these habits. This information may come as both surprising and unsurprising to readers.

Moving on, the article mentions McDonald's and their failure to learn from the infamous Stella Liebeck hot coffee case. This is followed by a discussion of the mistakes made by a $2 billion Powerball winner, which financial planners often warn against. The author expresses their anticipation for the eventual crash and burn of Twitter/X, as it is entertaining to witness someone saying something incredibly stupid. They provide an example of David Brooks tweeting idiotic content and facing backlash for it.

The article concludes with a mention of Leslie Jones, who claims that Saturday Night Live made her a "caricature of myself." This is followed by news of Pete Davidson's new girlfriend, reassuring readers that he is doing well. Lastly, the article touches upon the topic of the luteal phase and its unpleasant nature. It ends with a reminder about an upcoming Emergency Alert Test on October 4th that will be audible on phones, regardless of whether they are on silent or not.

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