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Jim Jordan announces run for Speaker

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) confirms his run for Speaker of the House, potentially attracting support from hardline conservatives.

Rep. Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, has officially announced his candidacy for Speaker of the House, according to his spokesperson. Jordan, who currently serves as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is known for his conservative stance and his role as the first-ever chairman of the House Freedom Caucus.

One of Jordan's key priorities is combating what he refers to as the "weaponization" of the federal government. In a letter addressed to his colleagues, he criticized "far-left progressive policies" on crime and the border, as well as allegations that the federal government is being used as a weapon against Republicans. He emphasized the need for unity within the Republican conference to address the challenges facing the nation.

Several fellow Republicans have expressed their support for Jordan's bid for Speaker. Rep. Thomas Massie from Kentucky stated that Jordan would be his first choice for the position. Rep. Jim Banks from Indiana also voiced his support, highlighting Jordan's strengths in negotiating on behalf of the House GOP Majority.

However, Jordan faces competition from other potential candidates, including Majority Leader Steve Scalise from Louisiana. Jordan acknowledged the need to attract support from moderates within the conference, but expressed confidence in his ability to unite the Republican conference.

Meanwhile, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer from Minnesota is reportedly supporting Scalise for Speaker and actively seeking support to become the next majority leader.

The race for Speaker of the House comes after former Speaker Kevin McCarthy from California was ousted from the role in a historic vote. The outcome has left the lower chamber of Congress in a state of uncertainty and chaos.

In conclusion, Rep. Jim Jordan's bid for Speaker of the House has generated support from conservative Republicans who appreciate his strong stance and dedication to addressing the "weaponization" of the federal government. However, he faces competition from other potential candidates, including Majority Leader Steve Scalise. The race for Speaker follows the unprecedented removal of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, leaving the House of Representatives in a state of upheaval.

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