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Rashida Tlaib criticized for defending call for genocide

Rep. Rashida Tlaib faces backlash for defending chants calling for genocide against Jewish people, sparking controversy and condemnation.

Rep. Rashida Tliab faced intense backlash online after defending individuals who were chanting for the genocide of the Jewish people. Tliab, a member of the far-left squad and the first Palestinian elected to Congress, argued that the chant, "From the River to the sea Palestine will be free," was actually an expression of aspirations for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence.

However, this particular phrase, which is commonly used by Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists, is widely recognized as a hateful and antisemitic call for the elimination of the current state of Israel, spanning from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee has also stated that this phrase explicitly advocates for the genocide of Jewish people.

Tlaib's defense came after she shared a video featuring this controversial phrase, while also condemning President Biden for allegedly supporting Israeli genocide against Palestinians. The response to Tlaib's actions was overwhelmingly negative.

Israel's former Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism, Noa Tishby, voiced her concerns, stating, "Hamas sympathizers have infiltrated the halls of Congress." She further explained that the chant "From the river to the sea" has long been championed by fundamentalist Islamist terrorists, who seek to ethnically cleanse Jews from their ancestral land.

Actor Dean Cain strongly criticized Tliab, calling her "dead wrong" and "a disgrace." He emphasized that the chant is a call for genocide, targeting the Jewish people and advocating for the end of Israel. Cain accused Tliab of endorsing terrorism.

Even Tlaib's fellow House colleagues expressed their disapproval. Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) stated, "'From the river to the sea' is a rallying call for the erasing of the State of Israel. If you find that aspirational, it is a problem. Stand with Israel."

In conclusion, Rep. Rashida Tliab faced significant backlash for her defense of individuals chanting for the genocide of Jewish people. The phrase she defended is widely recognized as an antisemitic call for the elimination of Israel. Critics, including prominent figures and Tlaib's fellow House colleagues, condemned her actions and emphasized the importance of standing with Israel.

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