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Australian Open 2024: Emma Raducanu's consistent work to do justice to her level

Emma Raducanu prepares to make a comeback at the Australian Open, facing Shelby Rogers in the first round after a hiatus.

Emma Raducanu is gearing up to face Shelby Rogers in the first round of the Australian Open after making her return to competitive tennis at the ASB Classic. The 21-year-old has been out of the game since April 2023 due to injuries and surgery, causing her ranking to drop to No.299.

Despite her absence, Raducanu remains confident in her abilities and is focused on achieving long-term success by staying healthy and consistent throughout the season. She believes that her level of play is already there and that with consistent training and match play, she will continue to improve.

Having won the US Open in 2021, Raducanu is determined to regain her form and rise in the rankings once again. She is optimistic that with time in the gym and on the court, she will be able to compete consistently throughout the year without the fear of injury setbacks.

Her upcoming match against Shelby Rogers will be a test of her readiness to compete at the highest level once again. Raducanu is eager to prove that her level of play is too good not to shine through with consistent hard work and dedication. As she prepares for her first-round match, she is determined to demonstrate her improved skills and make a strong comeback on the court.

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