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Testimony Half Million Cash Stash Gold Bars Jurors Second Corruption Trial Senator Menendez

Senator Menendez faces second corruption trial with wife implicated. Charges include bribery, fraud, and more. Political future in jeopardy.

Senator Menendez is facing his second corruption trial in a decade, with his political career and freedom at stake in a criminal case that has already led to his resignation from a powerful congressional post. The 70-year-old New Jersey Democrat and his wife are accused of accepting bribes from wealthy businessmen in his home state and providing favors in return, including interference in criminal investigations and actions benefiting foreign governments.

Despite the charges against him, Menendez maintains his innocence and plans to defend himself in court. The evidence against him, including a stash of gold bars and cash found in his home, has damaged his reputation and made a political comeback unlikely. His fellow Democrats have distanced themselves from him, urging him to resign.

Menendez's lawyers suggest that he will argue in court that his wife kept him unaware of her dealings with the businessmen involved in the case. The trial is expected to last up to two months, with prosecutors presenting evidence of alleged bribery and corruption through numerous witnesses.

Menendez's political career, which began in Hudson County, New Jersey, has been marked by controversy, including a previous corruption trial in 2017 that ended in a mistrial. Despite facing calls to resign, Menendez has remained in the Senate and has not ruled out running for reelection as an independent candidate.

The judge in the case has rejected Menendez's claim of legislative immunity and has yet to rule on whether a psychiatrist can testify about the senator's family history and financial struggles as a potential defense. The outcome of the trial could have far-reaching implications for Menendez's future in politics and the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.

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