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Dems call Marjorie Taylor Greene racist, suggest she was drunk - Latest News

House Democrats accuse Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of racist comments during chaotic meeting, suggest alcohol may have fueled the outburst.

A heated exchange took place during a House Oversight Committee meeting, with House Democrats accusing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of making racist comments towards Rep. Jasmine Crockett. The chaotic meeting saw Greene taking shots at Crockett's appearance, specifically her fake eyelashes. Crockett expressed her frustration at being attacked for her appearance, particularly as a black woman, while noting that Greene's disputes with other colleagues had not led to similar attacks. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also criticized Sen. John Fetterman for comparing the meeting to a "Jerry Springer" episode.

Speculation arose about the involvement of alcohol in fueling Greene's behavior, with reports of Republicans drinking from Solo cups during the meeting. While no conclusive evidence was presented, the presence of open cups in the room was noted. Crockett questioned the enforcement of rules and personal attacks during the meeting, emphasizing the need to stand up for oneself in the face of disrespect.

The Oversight Committee meeting was intended to vote on a contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Merrick Garland. The resolution passed along party lines and has been forwarded to the full House of Representatives for further action. Despite the chaos and tension during the meeting, a spokesperson for Greene did not respond to requests for comment. The lack of control and adherence to rules in the Oversight Committee was highlighted, with concerns raised about the behavior of certain members.

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