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American missing hike Greek island days Michael Mosley found dead Symi

American policeman missing on Greek island during early heatwave. Search operation launched as concerns grow over scorching temperatures.

A retired American policeman, Eric Albert Calibet, has gone missing while hiking on the small Greek island of Amorgos as an early heatwave hits the country. This disappearance comes just days after the tragic death of British celebrity doctor Michael Mosley, who also went missing while hiking on the island of Symi in the Dodecanese.

Calibet set off on a hike from the village of Aegiali in the north of Amorgos, heading towards the town of Katapola, the main port. The hike normally takes around four hours under normal conditions along a well-known and well-maintained trail. However, when he failed to arrive at his destination, a friend reported him missing, sparking a search operation on the island.

The island of Amorgos is currently experiencing a severe heatwave, with temperatures soaring to record highs. The scorching temperatures have raised concerns that Calibet may have succumbed to the heat along the route. Authorities have released a photo of the missing 57-year-old American to aid in search and rescue efforts on the island.

The deputy mayor of Amorgos, Calliope Despotidi, expressed her concern for Calibet's well-being, noting that he is familiar with the island and has completed the Aegiali to Katapola hike several times in the past. She hopes that he may have sought shelter in one of the caves along the route to escape the extreme heat.

As the search for Calibet continues, the Greek Red Cross has been distributing free water and information on how to cope with the heatwave in the capital city of Athens. With temperatures expected to remain high in the coming days, authorities are on high alert for wildfires in the countryside surrounding the city.

The disappearance of Calibet highlights the dangers of hiking in extreme weather conditions and serves as a reminder to always be prepared for unexpected challenges while exploring the great outdoors. The community on Amorgos is rallying together to support the search efforts and hopes for a positive outcome in the search for the missing American hiker.

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