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Bolivia Coup Attempt Fails Military Assault Presidential Palace

Bolivian president denounces coup attempt, calls for international support. General arrested, tensions rise ahead of 2025 elections. Global leaders condemn.

The events that unfolded in La Paz, Bolivia on Wednesday evening were nothing short of chaotic. Bolivian armed forces, led by General Juan Jose Zuniga, made a bold move by gathering in the central Plaza Murillo square, which is home to the presidential palace and Congress. The situation escalated quickly as an armored vehicle rammed a door of the presidential palace, sending soldiers rushing in.

President Luis Arce wasted no time in denouncing the actions as an attempted coup against the government. He called for international support and urged the Bolivian people to mobilize in defense of democracy. As tensions mounted, General Zuniga was arrested and replaced by José Wilson Sanchez as the military commander.

The United States closely monitored the situation and called for calm and restraint. The turmoil in Bolivia comes ahead of general elections in 2025, with former President Evo Morales planning to run against President Arce. Morales' potential return to power has sparked division within the ruling socialist party and raised concerns about political stability.

General Zuniga's actions were fueled by growing anger in Bolivia over economic struggles and perceived government mismanagement. He accused President Arce of seeking to boost his popularity by inciting unrest. However, the violent attempt to seize power was met with swift condemnation from regional leaders and opposition figures.

The public prosecutor's office announced a criminal investigation into Zuniga and others involved in the coup attempt. President Arce and Bolivia's democracy received overwhelming support from allies like Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Even political opponents of the government, such as ex-President Jeanine Anez, condemned the military intervention and called for democratic processes to be upheld.

The events in La Paz serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of democracy and the importance of upholding constitutional order. The resilience of the Bolivian people in defending their democratic rights against such threats is commendable. As the country navigates through this crisis, unity and a commitment to democratic principles will be crucial in ensuring a peaceful and prosperous future for Bolivia.

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