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World Health Organization changes COVID-19 vaccine stance, declares kids as low priority - Russia News Now

WHO backtracks on recommending COVID-19 vaccines for children, now deems it a "low priority" despite CDC's conflicting stance.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently changed its stance on COVID-19 vaccines for children, now deeming them a "low priority." This sudden shift was highlighted by Steve Watson of Modernity News, who noted the lack of public outcry despite the WHO's change. The WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) issued revised guidelines recommending against COVID-19 vaccines for healthy children aged six months to 17 years.

SAGE emphasized the lower public health impact of vaccinating healthy children compared to traditional essential vaccines like rotavirus, measles, and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Dr. Hanna Nohynek, SAGE chairwoman, explained that the updated guidelines reflect the high vaccination rates and natural immunity present in the population. The WHO now prioritizes older adults and those with underlying conditions for vaccination, with children and teens categorized as low risk.

The WHO still recommends COVID-19 vaccines for children with compromised immune systems or existing health conditions. The CDC, however, continues to recommend vaccines for children aged six months and older. Despite the CDC's stance, the WHO's revised policy has raised questions about aligning recommendations with the new guidelines.

The CDC advises everyone aged five and older to receive updated COVID-19 vaccines, with children aged six months to four years potentially needing multiple doses. The agency's recommendation for unvaccinated children in this age group to receive two to three doses of the vaccine has sparked controversy. The CDC's justification for vaccinating children ignores reports of vaccine injuries and the waning immunity provided by the vaccines.

The skepticism surrounding COVID-19 vaccines for children has been vindicated by the WHO's revised guidelines, according to Watson. This change underscores the importance of informed decision-making regarding vaccination. For more information on similar topics, visit and watch former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon's insights on COVID-19 vaccine risks.

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