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Beetlejuice (TV series) News & Breaking Stories

Who portrayed the original Beetlejuice
  • 25th May 2024

Who portrayed the original Beetlejuice

The mischievous ghost Beetlejuice returns in the upcoming sequel, with Michael Keaton reprising his iconic role alongside Winona Ryder.

Hasan Minhaj: Unveiling His Sketchy Side
  • 16th Sep 2023

Hasan Minhaj: Unveiling His Sketchy Side

"Family values" party ignores scandalous behavior of Congresswoman Boebert and Governor Noem's reported affair. eBay auction items for striking movie & TV crews.

What news can we find under Beetlejuice (TV series) News Section?

Beetlejuice: The Animated Series Isn't Beetlejuice a blast from the past?

Loved by many, 'Beetlejuice', the animated series is as electrifying to recall as it was back in its heyday. Running from 1989 to 1992, let's dive into what news content one can find today about this cult classic television show.

A Ripple in Nostalgia...

Doesn't opening old chapters make you feel cozy and warm? In terms of recent buzz related to 'Beetlejuice,' nothing but nostalgia trains topping our news feed. Iconic episodes are being revisited and turns out quite a few media outlets have been publishing retrospectives and detailed breakdowns of how progressive the storytelling format was for an animated series during that era. Don't you think it's awesome we live in an age where even old shows receive their much-deserved spotlight?

The Unseen Chapter!

You remember those "what could've been" moments right? Here is something interesting! There has also been talk around a script for an unaired episode that recently surfaced online – fascinating insight on what might have been another addition to the Beetle-mania chronicles, don’t you agree?

The Future Beckons...

Last but not least, fan base speculations! They never get old; each whisper takes us through myriad alleys filled with countless possibilities on potential reboots or sequels - keeping alive the spirit of 'Beetlejuice.' Are you excited about these prospects yet apprehensive if they'll do justice to your cherished memories just like me?! Well, fingers crossed!

In summary, news content around Beetlejuice garnishes the web in recollections, revelations and hope for a spooky revival. Doesn't it make you curious about this iconic show all over again?

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