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Jesse Watters Senate Sex Tape vs Jan. 6 Riot: Which is Worse?

Congressional aide caught filming sex act in Senate hearing room. Outrage from far right, Jesse Watters calls it worse than Jan. 6.

Last week, there was a shocking incident in the Capitol when a Congressional aide was caught filming a sex act on the floor of a Senate hearing room. It's definitely a strange and unexpected event, but the Capitol has seen its fair share of unusual occurrences. For example, there was a former president who encouraged hundreds of his supporters to storm the building in an attempt to overturn an election he lost. Some might argue that this is even more outrageous than the incident with the aide. However, not everyone shares the same perspective as Jesse Watters.

According to The Daily Beast, Monday's episode of The Five featured a segment discussing the sex tape scandal, which has stirred up strong reactions from the far right. It was revealed that one of the individuals involved was an aide to Democratic Senator Ben Cardin, who has since been fired. Watters took the opportunity to make inappropriate jokes about possible gay porn titles, and even made a comment about how he "should have seen it coming" once he learned it was a Democrat's aide.

Watters didn't stop there. He went on to express his outrage, stating, "I know after they did the fire alarm pulling, the throwing of the elbows, a sex tape was inevitable." It's worth noting that the "throwing of the elbows" incident actually involved outgoing Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, not the Democratic aide. Watters continued to criticize the Democrats, claiming that they had turned the government into a bedroom, and even went as far as to say that the sex tape scandal was worse than the events of January 6th.

He downplayed the riot, saying, "We had a couple guys throw their feet up on Nancy's desk. What is this? They said they obstructed an official government proceeding. They delayed the certification for what, like, two hours?" Watters argued that the incident with the aide was worse, as it would prevent hearings from taking place in the room for weeks and would require a deep cleaning.

It's not uncommon to hear individuals on the right prioritize sex over violence, but it's important to consider the broader context and impact of such events.

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